Granulated Garlic vs Garlic Powder: What’s the Difference?

November 10, 2023

Garlic, a culinary staple, is a versatile ingredient that adds a savory, aromatic flavor to various dishes. While fresh garlic is often preferred for its intense flavor and texture, there are two convenient alternatives: granulated garlic and garlic powder. Both offer a concentrated garlic punch without peeling and chopping fresh cloves. 

But which one should you choose? This article covers the difference between garlic powder and granulated garlic and how to substitute them in cooking. By the end of the article, you will know what to choose between granulated garlic vs garlic powder. 

What is Granulated Garlic

Granulated garlic, also known as garlic granules, is a dehydrated form of garlic. It is made from dried garlic cloves that are ground to a coarse, sand-like consistency. This process retains some of the garlic’s texture, allowing it to add a slight crunch to dishes. Granulated garlic is less potent than garlic powder, as its larger granules have less surface area exposed to release flavor compounds. 

What is Garlic Powder?

Garlic powder, on the other hand, is a finely ground form of dehydrated garlic, resembling flour in texture. It is produced by finely grinding dried garlic cloves into a powder similar to cornstarch or flour. Its fine texture ensures a quick and potent release of garlic flavor, making it ideal for dishes where garlic needs to blend seamlessly. Garlic powder is generally considered twice as powerful as granulated garlic. 

Key Differences Between Granulated Garlic and Garlic Powder

The main difference between granulated garlic and garlic powder is their texture. Granulated garlic has a coarser texture, while garlic powder has a finer texture. This difference in texture affects the flavor and intensity of the garlic. Granulated garlic has a milder flavor than garlic powder, and it also takes longer to release its flavor into food. Garlic powder is more potent and releases its flavor more quickly.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between granulated garlic and garlic powder:

FeatureGranulated GarlicGarlic Powder
Cooking timeLongerShorter
Use casesSoups, stews, marinadesSauces, dressings

Are Granulated Garlic and Garlic Powder Interchangeable?

While granulated garlic and garlic powder share the same essence as garlic, they are only partially interchangeable in culinary applications. Granulated garlic’s coarser texture makes it ideal for dishes where a slightly crunchy garlic bite is desired, such as marinades, rubs, or sprinkling over roasted vegetables. On the other hand, garlic powder’s fine texture blends seamlessly into sauces, dressings, and baked goods, imparting a uniform garlic flavor without adding texture. 

How to Substitute Garlic Powder for Granulated Garlic?

When substituting garlic powder for granulated garlic, remember that the flavor intensity is more potent. To compensate for this difference, use half the amount of garlic powder as granulated garlic. For instance, if a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of granulated garlic, use ½ teaspoon of garlic powder.


The choice between granulated garlic and powder ultimately depends on the desired culinary outcome. If you seek a subtle garlic flavor with a slight crunch, granulated garlic is your ideal choice. For dishes where a smooth, intense garlic flavor is paramount, garlic powder reigns supreme. Embrace the versatility of these garlic cousins and elevate your culinary creations to new heights of flavor and aroma.


Granulated garlic can be used in various dishes, including soups, stews, sauces, marinades, and dressings. It can also be added to dry rubs for meats and vegetables.

Garlic granules are a healthy substitute for fresh garlic in terms of their nutrient content. However, they may provide a different freshness and flavor than fresh garlic.

Eating too much garlic can cause mild side effects such as heartburn, indigestion, and gas. In rare cases, it can also cause allergic reactions.

Some chefs prefer granulated garlic over garlic powder because it provides a more subtle flavor and texture. They also find that it is easier to control the amount of granulated garlic they are using.

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