How to Use Neem Oil for Mosquito Control: 4 Effective Ways

September 11, 2023

Mosquitoes are not only annoying but also dangerous. They can transmit diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika virus. To protect yourself and your family from these pests, you might look for a natural and effective way to repel them. One of the best options is neem oil.

Neem oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds and fruits of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), a native plant of India and other tropical regions. Neem oil has been used for centuries as a natural insecticide, fungicide, and antiseptic. It contains a compound called azadirachtin, which interferes with the hormonal system of insects and prevents them from feeding, mating, and reproducing.

Neem oil is safe for humans, animals, and plants. It does not harm beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. It is also biodegradable and environmentally friendly. You can use neem oil to control mosquitoes around your home and garden. Here are four of them:

How to Use Neem Oil for Mosquito Control

Here are the four best and most effective ways to use neem oil as a natural repellent to control and eliminate mosquitos.

1. As a topical repellent

One of the simplest ways to use neem oil for mosquito control is to apply it directly on your skin. Neem oil has a strong and unpleasant smell that mosquitoes hate. It also creates a thin layer on your skin that blocks their sense of smell and taste.

To make a neem oil topical repellent, you will need:

  • Two tablespoons of neem oil
  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil or any other carrier oil
  • Ten drops of essential oil of your choice (optional)

Mix the ingredients well in a small bottle or jar. Apply a few drops of the mixture to your exposed skin before going outdoors. You can also rub some on your clothes, shoes, and hat for extra protection.

Benefits of using neem oil as a topical repellent are:

  • It is natural and chemical-free
  • It is effective against various types of mosquitoes
  • It lasts for several hours
  • It moisturizes and nourishes your skin

Drawbacks of using neem oil as a topical repellent are:

  • It has a strong and unpleasant smell that some people might find offensive
  • It can stain your clothes and fabrics
  • It can cause allergic reactions or skin irritation in some people
  • It can attract other insects like bees or flies

2. As a spray

Another way to use neem oil for mosquito control is to spray it around your home and garden. Neem oil spray can kill or repel mosquitoes and their larvae. It can also prevent them from laying eggs on water sources or plants.

To make a neem oil spray, you will need:

  • 1 gallon of water
  • Two tablespoons of neem oil
  • Two tablespoons of liquid soap or detergent
  • A spray bottle or a garden sprayer

Mix the water, neem oil, and soap in a large container. Stir well until the neem oil dissolves completely. Fill your spray bottle or garden sprayer with the solution. Spray the solution on areas where mosquitoes breed or rest, such as ponds, puddles, gutters, trash cans, flower pots, etc. You can also spray it on plants that attract mosquitoes, such as basil, mint, lavender, etc.

The benefits of using neem oil as a spray are:

  • It is easy to make and use
  • It covers a large area
  • It kills or repels mosquitoes at all stages of their life cycle
  • It does not harm beneficial insects or plants

The drawbacks of using neem oil as a spray are:

  • It needs to be applied frequently, especially after rain or watering
  • It can lose its effectiveness when exposed to sunlight or heat
  • It can cause eye or respiratory irritation if inhaled
  • It can be toxic to fish or aquatic animals if sprayed on water sources

3. As a growth regulator

Another way to use neem oil for mosquito control is as a growth regulator. Neem oil can interfere with the development and reproduction of mosquitoes by affecting their hormones. It can prevent them from moulting, metamorphosing, or laying eggs.

To use neem oil as a growth regulator, you will need:

  • A few drops of neem oil
  • A small container or bowl
  • A cotton ball or a piece of cloth

Dip the cotton ball or cloth in neem oil and squeeze the excess. Please place it in the container or bowl and cover it with a lid or a mesh. Place the container near water sources where mosquitoes breed, such as ponds, puddles, birdbaths, etc.

The benefits of using neem oil as a growth regulator are:

  • It is natural and chemical-free
  • It reduces the population of mosquitoes over time
  • It does not harm beneficial insects or animals

The drawbacks of using neem oil as a growth regulator are:

  • It takes longer to see the results
  • It needs to be replaced regularly
  • It can be washed away by rain or water

4. As an oviposition deterrent

Another way to use neem oil for mosquito control is as an oviposition deterrent. Neem oil can discourage mosquitoes from laying eggs on water sources or plants by altering their behavior’s. It can make them avoid or abandon the sites treated with neem oil.

To use neem oil as an oviposition deterrent, you will need:

  • 1 quart of water
  • One teaspoon of neem oil
  • A spray bottle or a garden sprayer

Mix the water and neem oil in a spray bottle or garden sprayer. Shake well before using. Spray the solution on water sources or plants where mosquitoes lay eggs, such as ponds, puddles, birdbaths, flower pots, etc.

The benefits of using neem oil as an oviposition deterrent are:

  • It is natural and chemical-free
  • It prevents the emergence of new mosquitoes
  • It does not harm beneficial insects or plants

The drawbacks of using neem oil as an oviposition deterrent are:

  • It needs to be applied frequently, especially after rain or watering
  • It can lose its effectiveness when exposed to sunlight or heat
  • It can be toxic to fish or aquatic animals if sprayed on water sources


Neem oil is a versatile and effective way to control mosquitoes naturally. You can use it in different ways to suit your needs and preferences. Whether you apply it on your skin, spray it around your home and garden, use it as a growth regulator, or as an oviposition deterrent, neem oil can help keep mosquitoes away and protect yourself from their bites and diseases.

However, neem oil is not a magic bullet. It has some limitations and drawbacks that you should be aware of. It also requires proper application and maintenance to ensure its efficacy. Therefore, you should always follow the instructions and precautions when using neem oil for mosquito control.

You should also combine neem oil with other mosquito control methods, such as eliminating standing water, using screens and nets, wearing protective clothing, and using other natural repellents like citronella, lemon eucalyptus, or garlic. By doing so, you can enhance the effectiveness of neem oil and enjoy a mosquito-free environment.

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